Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Design Presentation

Let's talk about graphic design. This first poster is an example of bad poster design.

This is a pretty bad one. It kind of looks like they made this design in Word. The fonts they used all have really high x-heights(the lower case letters are almost as tall as the capital letters) which is usually the kind of font you'd use if you were going to have a lot of really small text, unless it was on purpose. Nothing in this poster design looks like it's on purpose though. 

The designer also committed another mortal sin of design. They used two different kinds of drop shadows and outlined text! 

It looks like a graphic designer made an acceptable poster, and then the client said, "I want this part, this part, and this part to all stand out. Oh, and this other part too." And then the designer said, "Oh, you can't make it ALL stand out, because then NOTHING will." And the client responded with, "I'm paying you good money to make posters for me. Do what I say, yuh dummy." 

So the graphic designer had to make this monstrosity. 

THIS is an example of good design:

This is really great. There is lots of negative space, contrast, alignment, and room for discovery. Check out how they did the title. It's kind of like these:

You feel really cool after you read this, right? Because you kind of had to figure that out, but not TOO hard?

Anyway, The second one is obviously better. For some reason it's harder to talk about why this one is great, but it was easy to talk about the one I hated. Weird, huh?